enter here_

We have only glimpsed into the digital realm through rectangles of glass, unable to absorb information without barriers. With the “discovery” of the five essential elements of this dimension, (Retainment, Automation, Variability, Modularity, and Connectivity), enter here_ was our experiment into building a portal to the digital realm.


Terminal Daemons

Terminal Daemons explored the silent scripts that run in the underbelly of our computers; Scripts which we don’t see or interact with except as intermediaries. Embodying ASCII daemons inspired by Eudamonia (good spirit) moths, 6 performers played with the daemons dormant in our computers, summoning them to the surface to enact changes in the world around them.

Follow The Machine

What happens when we let go of our own knowledge and follow the machine? Machines are often functioning at a different level from our own understanding, being both literal and proverbial black boxes whose inner workings are too complex to understand. From our perspective, the output of the machine is seemingly random, and why it chooses what it does is almost divine.

Auto-Organics: Robots for a Living Earth
Biomimicry is the way in which the digital and natural worlds mirror each other. As our forests disappear and we look towards the future through a digital lens, 8 performers and 10 installation artists embraced the biotic origins of our digital spaces and created a space where machines and forests can nurture each other.


Examining the digital age’s deification of the cyborg and it’s interaction with flesh, 14 performance and installation artists came together to traverse the digital and physical spaces it inhabits. Cyborg//HYPERMEAT was an exploration of the inherent distortion, objectification, and obfuscation that is embedded in formulas of how digital technologies process and display the human form.