is a filmmaker, video artist, and writer. Their art revolves around concepts of hypermodernity, surrealism, and digital alterity in a post-internet existence. Working within the philosophical frameworks of elemental media and presence.
is an interdisciplinary artist working in a variety of mediums including CGI, music and sculpture. Having performed extensively throughout NYC and Europe, Magali has cultivated a distinct stage presence including projection art and seated choreography. Her current artistic practice centers on salt as a medium, exploring its ability to transform and permeate materials by pairing salt with steel, terracotta, water, fabric. Her work is born of ideas of matrilineage and worldbuilding. 
is a Chinese American digital designer, illustrator and book maker. Their practice aims to activate a viewer’s senses for the divine through the means of world-building and the creation of iconography as metaphor. To Tāo, the human mind has the capacity to perceive the divine in all aspects of reality, including the digital realms of the modern age. Their recent work focuses on crafting new myths and folklore of the digital world and its experiences, drawing inspiration from the commonalities between biological and digital systems and their emergent visual patterns, reflecting a pantheist universe where every atom is imbued with vital chance. 

is a glitch artist, their art circulates concepts of breakage in digital technology and decay. Fascinated with ideas of digital time and compression algorithms alongside impermanence in digital and physical art, they use glitch to illuminate the inner workings of the digital underbelly. Their current work centers around using light as an object mixed with large-scale steel sculptures.